Right Move Photography: Blog https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog en-us (C) Right Move Photography [email protected] (Right Move Photography) Sun, 17 Oct 2021 02:19:00 GMT Sun, 17 Oct 2021 02:19:00 GMT https://www.rightmovephoto.com/img/s/v-12/u330299069-o573367187-50.jpg Right Move Photography: Blog https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog 120 90 The Joy of Technology https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2021/10/the-joy-of-technology We had the honor of photographing the wedding of Paula and Ron.  Paula did a wonderful job of decorating the hall and even made the wedding cake.

Paula's granddaughter served as her Maid of Honor and was tasked with arranging the music for the wedding.

The music was softly playing over the speakers as the bridal party entered the hall and Paula, escorted by her brother, slowly walked to the front of the hall.  The pastor, being experienced at weddings, projected his voice over the soft music.  "Who gives this woman to be wed to this man?"  The music stopped playing and the voice of Siri came over the speakers:  "Here's what I found on the web".

It was a beautiful wedding and we are so thankful to be a part of it.  Here are a few more images of the wedding:

You can see all of the images of the big day here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Wedding Photography Murrells Inlet Wedding Surfside Beach Wedding Wedding https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2021/10/the-joy-of-technology Sun, 17 Oct 2021 02:18:37 GMT
The growing Family https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2020/8/the-growing-family With every family session, there is a surprise somewhere and the DeYoung family was no exception! What started out as a family session ended up in an all-out family addition session, and a not so surprised proposal. Congrats to the DeYoung family!

We made a video of our session, you can find that here:


We were so happy to spend this time with you!!

And if you are so inclined, Here is the whole gallery!

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Family Photography Affordable Wedding Photography engagement session surfside beach family portraits https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2020/8/the-growing-family Mon, 24 Aug 2020 00:53:40 GMT
The April Wedding in May https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2020/6/the-april-wedding-in-may 2020 is certainly going to remembered by everyone for one reason or another.  For Paigelyn and Bradley, we are sure that it will be for the wedding that wasn't and then was.  Not even a pandemic could keep these two social distanced!

Wishing many, many blessings for this beautiful, sweet couple as they begin their new journey as husband and wife! We were so honored to be a part of their special day and couldn't be happier that these two finally had their beautiful wedding day! Love you guys!

You can find all of the images from their day here

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Wedding Photography Country wedding Periwinkle Pavilion https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2020/6/the-april-wedding-in-may Mon, 08 Jun 2020 01:52:15 GMT
The Family That Celebrates Together https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/10/the-family-that-celebrates-together It became very very clear early on in our relationship with Jenni and Jeff that family was of the utmost importance to them and the more time we spent with them, the more we admired that quality about this family.


Well...there was that...and the fact that these individuals were really happy people all the time.


There was also the fact that even their friends enjoyed having a good time, enough to even brave a shark attack or two for their friendly wedding photographers but when the shark got too close.....we let them run to safety. (no humans or sharks were harmed in the making of this image)


All in all, this wedding was a prime example of how a loving family and friends all join together to watch as their family and circle of friends becomes larger and happier. We were blessed to be a part of this celebration for Jenni and Jeff. Wishing you many blessings and much love on your new adventure! You can find their entire wedding gallery here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Wedding Photography Beach Holiday Inn Surfside Wedding https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/10/the-family-that-celebrates-together Sun, 04 Oct 2015 22:54:52 GMT
Neither Rain nor Wind https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/10/neither-rain-nor-wind Kellie contacted us what seems like a lifetime ago when she was beginning to plan her wedding to Al. We began a conversation about how to make their special day even more special.

There is a lot about Kellie that is very traditional and while traditional is very lovely and we always appreciate it, we also appreciate when a bride is willing to trust us with not only her bridal session but also when we ask her to do something off the cuff, a little different....when she lets us show the world know who she really is.

Kellie and Al's wedding was ushered in by a hurricane....no matter...neither rain nor wind will stop this beautiful couple from promising each other a lifetime of adventures.


Wishing many blessings to Kellie and Al as they begin their journey together as husband and wife. Thank you so much for sharing this awesomely beautiful day with us and for trusting us....for neither rain nor wind can keep this wedding from happening and neither rain nor wind will stop us from sharing your day! Much love to you both! You can find all of Kellie's bridal session images here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Wedding Photography Atalaya Beach Huntington Beach State Park Myrtle Photography Wedding https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/10/neither-rain-nor-wind Sat, 03 Oct 2015 17:07:09 GMT
When Old Friends Meet New Acquaintances https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/9/when-old-friends-meet-new-acquaintances It wasn't a hard decision....the only thing hard about it was how to make it happen sooner. When Stephanie's mom let us know that she wanted Stephanie to have a maternity session, we started planning right away. We thought we had a month...we had three days. We got the notification that Stephanie needed her maternity shoot moved up because Jasper seems to be a little impatient to get his newborn session done.


It took some organizing. It took some planning. It took some shopping and a LOT of hot glue. It took two alarm clocks, a makeup expert, a driver and an empty beach with a gorgeous sunrise.


But you know what? It all worked out just fine....and Stephanie has  now proven to us and everyone else just how determined she is to make this experience one to remember.


Thank you so much, Stephanie, hereafter to be known as "Jasper's mom". Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Thank you for sharing the day, the sand and the fun. And thank you for allowing us to be a part of Jasper's coming home party! You can find all of Stephanie's maternity session here.



[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Family Photography Atalaya Huntington Beach State Park Myrtle Beach Maternity and Newborn Photography https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/9/when-old-friends-meet-new-acquaintances Fri, 18 Sep 2015 02:41:32 GMT
Impressive https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/8/impressive

When we received a call from a rising senior in high school requesting a senior session, this was not unusual for us. However, that is where the usual part of a senior session stopped. Magan would prove to be one of the most organized, most put together, most versatile senior sessions we have had.

She arranged her session herself, she took care of all the business details necessary to contract us for her session and when we met her in person, she also was sweet and kind right from the start.

But it didn't end there, she had her own ideas about how she wanted her session to go, she had very clearly defined visions of what she wanted to portray and knew she didn't want just a "run of the mill" senior session.

It is always a blessing to us to meet someone like Magan and her youth and beauty are well complimented by her self-confidence, her sweetness, and her clearly stellar organizational skills. We so enjoyed spending the afternoon with such a well put-together young woman and we wish her well in her senior year and her journey into adulthood as she has proven to us that she is well on her way to success.


You can find her entire gallery here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Country Senior pictures Florence Senior Pictures fun senior pictures https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/8/impressive Mon, 17 Aug 2015 18:56:12 GMT
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/good-things-come-to-those-who-wait Last summer, we became Facebook friends with a beautiful family who were planning a family vacation in Surfside Beach. We planned a shoot. We watched the weather. We scheduled and rescheduled and then....horror of horrors, food poisoning struck and we had to cancel the photography session altogether.

Over the past year, we have still been Facebook friends. Imagine our excitement when Michele contacted us again and said they were planning another vacation to Surfside and would we be available to do a family session. We jumped at the chance!

And while it was a long time in the making, our first in person encounter with faraway friends was well worth the wait. It's true what they say, you know....good things come to those who wait....good friends come to those who wait too.



We wish for the Males family a very happy vacation and safe travels back to their home. We will certainly enjoy their Facebook posts until the next time.

You can find their complete gallery here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Family Photography Affordable Wedding Photography Myrtle Beach Family Photography Surfside Beach Family Photography https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/good-things-come-to-those-who-wait Fri, 31 Jul 2015 23:20:59 GMT
Small World https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/small-world  

It is nothing out of the ordinary for us to get a phone call or an email from a client who is vacationing at the beach. They want family pictures, of course. It is their vacation and it is a time of joining together of a family that has grown up and out and then come back together again to spend some well-deserved time together.

This past week, we were called to do just that. Imagine how happy we were to discover that these vacationers were actually from our hometown, Florence, and we didn't realize until we met them that we had so many things in common.

They say you never can go home again but maybe, just maybe, someone can bring the home to you. We so enjoyed the time on the beach with the Hutto family. Its days like this that make us happy that we do what we do.

You can find their entire gallery here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Family Photography Affordable Wedding Photography Myrtle Beach Maternity and Newborn Photography https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/small-world Sat, 25 Jul 2015 04:43:52 GMT
What Happens After the Wedding? https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/what-happens-after-the-wedding

Most of you know what happens during a wedding and as photographers, we are all too aware of the happenings in and around that 20-30 minute ceremony. It has always been our opinion in our business meeting discussions that we wished we had the bride and groom for a full session after the ceremony, when the relaxation starts, when they can just take a deep breath and well...just be....

Brittney and Paige were a dream couple for us. From the beginning, it was clear that they trusted us to provide them with images to be proud of. They gave us free rein in creativity and never said no when we asked them to do something.

After their honeymoon, we asked them to do the seemingly unthinkable. We asked them....to put their wedding clothes back on, drive to the beach, and spend two more hours with us....and they said....YES. The "after the wedding" session with Brittney and Paige was too wonderful for mere words. They were more relaxed, more in love and we so enjoyed the time we spent with them. It was clear on the day of their wedding the love they have for each other and it is even more clear in their "after" session. What a blessing to be able to share this with them.

Their gallery can be found here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Atayala Castle Huntington Beach State Park Wedding https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/what-happens-after-the-wedding Sun, 12 Jul 2015 03:30:20 GMT
What Dreams Are Made Of https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/what-dreams-are-made-of When new humans arrive to this tiny little place we call home, we can only imagine what they dream of....do they dream of where they came from?

Do they dream of where they are going or who they will be when they get there?


Xavier has his whole life in front of him and just as we wish his parents and his big brother a beautiful journey together, we also wish for him many many blessings and much love and happiness! We are so grateful that his mom and dad included us in the beginning of his journey, just as we were included his brother's beginning just a few short years ago.

Oh my, but we do love to see a family grow!

You can see all of Xavier's gallery here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Family Photography Affordable Wedding Photography Myrtle Beach Maternity and Newborn Photography https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/what-dreams-are-made-of Tue, 07 Jul 2015 02:06:05 GMT
Trust https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/trust In the photography business, our clients trust us. They trust us to capture images of their special days, their vacations, their growing families and much, much more. It is always a humbling experience to stop and realize what an enormous responsibility this is. Some of the time, our clients are also our friends and adult and so, trust comes easy. One of the sweetest examples of a client trusting us to capture images for them is when a new mom hands over a newborn and allows us to dress them up or down and create a memory for her growing family.

We never tire of this experience. Each new human is a blessing to us all and one that we honor, one that we cherish and one that we appreciate. Thank you, Lori, for trusting us to spend some time with Avery.

Check out all of Avery's pictures here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Myrtle Beach Maternity and Newborn Photography https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/7/trust Fri, 03 Jul 2015 03:27:58 GMT
The Family That Plays Together https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/6/the-family-that-plays-together It's summertime and the best part of summertime and owning a photography business at the beach is that we are privy to a number of family reunion/vacation trips for people from all over the country.

The Sampsons are such a family. They came from far and wide. They traveled by car and plane, all to converge upon the beach and live, for a short while, next door to one another.

They played. They laughed. They loved. This is what it is all about, people. Love each other and have fun doing it! Happy Summer!

You can find all of the Sampson Family photos here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Family Photography Affordable Wedding Photography Beach https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/6/the-family-that-plays-together Sun, 28 Jun 2015 01:21:45 GMT
Life Changes https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/4/life-changes Myrtle Beach Wedding & Family Photography

There comes a point in everyone's life where things change.....your situation changes, your lifestyle changes, or your family changes. Some changes are not easy to understand and some changes are pure blessings right from the start.

Emily and Scott have endured some changes in their lives. Their family is on the cusp of one of Life's greatest blessings, a new life here on this earth. It is always a blessing to receive a new life into our arms and no matter who we are nor how long we live, there is something magical about the beginning of a new life.

We were so honored to spend time with this gorgeous family, to hear their story and witness them welcome with open arms this precious new life they have been blessed with. Hannah Grace will soon have a armful of joy to teach and she will be a sweet and beautiful big sister. We cannot wait to meet to their new Precious One, Jase, and we wish for them many blessings on their new life journey.

All of the pictures from the session can be found here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Family Photography Affordable Wedding Photography Atalaya Huntington Beach State Park maternity Pictures https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/4/life-changes Tue, 28 Apr 2015 03:36:41 GMT
Old Friends, New Dresses https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/4/old-friends-new-dresses Myrtle Beach Family and Wedding Photography


It seems like a short time ago that the kids were little, that they were romping around kindergarten and first grade and every day, told us funny stories of how their days went. It seems like a short time but it has really been years and now, they are all grown up. They almost look like we did when we started out on our grown-up journeys. Journeys that would bring us together and then back again.

It is with great honor and a humble heart that we were chosen as Owen and Nic's prom photographers for the second year in a row. As the story goes, they were the first ones to make sure we had an opening that day and they were way ahead of the game. Over the years, we have been blessed to know Owen's parents and now, Nic's and Owen's mom, Jennifer, was at times over the years, a part of our  daily existence. She has seen us at our worst (during drugged up surgery) and at our best, when our children were shining.

We are so grateful to do what we do and every now and then, just every now and then mind you.....Owen reminded us that even though the years go by, some things never change.

Thank you, Owen and Nic, for trusting us with this special day. We love you guys and we wouldn't have it any other way. You can find all of Owen's and Nic's pictures here.


[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Family Photography Affordable Wedding Photography Atalaya Huntington Beach State Park Prom Pictures Senior Photos https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/4/old-friends-new-dresses Thu, 23 Apr 2015 23:57:29 GMT
The Family That Celebrates Together, Stays Together https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/3/the-family-that-celebrates-together-stays-together Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos


Occasionally during our work as family photographers, we will have a client whom we think we know well personally and they will ask that we join them for a family celebration. These are always fun shoots because everyone is already comfortable with each other before we begin but the best part for us is getting to know that client even better....and to push that envelope even more....we get to see them in their family setting and see how that family functions. When Tyler and Chris asked us to be a part of their prom night celebration, we jumped at the chance to spend time with a family we have come to know and love, and work with...

During the prep for the shoot, it became apparent with every opening of the front door that Tyler and Chris had a family who loved them, supported them, and rallied around them. From the oldest to the youngest member of the family, there was constant "oohing and aahhing" over these two and it was crystal clear that this family had love beyond measure for each other and a true support of the youngsters in their family.

It was with great honor and humility at the end of the shoot that Tere' accepted an invitation by Tyler and Chris to be a part of such a special night. We sincerely and humbly extend our appreciation to this most loving family for including us in their special celebration/prom shoot and in supporting these two fine young people.

You can find all of the pictures from the special night in our online gallery


[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Beach Family Myrtle Photos Wedding and https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/3/the-family-that-celebrates-together-stays-together Sun, 29 Mar 2015 16:34:44 GMT
Did you have a bath today? https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/3/did-you-have-a-bath-today Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



I just got out of a long hot shower and the only thing I could think of while I was in my long hot shower was how it would feel if in my whole life I had never had a bath? How would it feel to never have had a clean body? Even worse, what if I was forced to stay in a place so small that I could not stand up tall and had to crouch down always? What if I had never had a brush in my hair?


What if I had never been allowed to touch the earth? What if, for my whole life, I had to endure not only my excrement but that of others around me? What if no one had ever spoken to me, or soothed me? What if I had been forced time and again to endure pregnancies and deliveries and then watched my babies be taken away from me, never being allowed to follow where they went? or see them? or hear them? What if one day, some people came and took me away from the cage? What if they expected me to run and jump at the sheer joy of it all? What if I had no idea how to stand tall? What if I had no idea what grass was? What if suddenly I was clean?


And all of these things I witnessed the today. All of these things....and I watched as workers, time and again, never lost patience with these precious babies because of their fear of another new experience. I listened as the story was told of the first time these animals had touched the ground, the earth;  something which did not have holes in it, did not have wire to catch their paws. I listened as they told the story of the dogs huddled en masse, crouched low and crawling the first time they felt earth beneath their feet and how a few brave ones left the huddle to explore and then another and another. This day.....this day, I watched miracles all day long. I hope you were lucky enough to see a few yourself.




All of the photos that we took today can be found here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Pet portraits conway puppy mill https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2015/3/did-you-have-a-bath-today Wed, 11 Mar 2015 22:52:34 GMT
Marty & Tori https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/9/marty-tori Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



Marty and Tori are a military couple.  They wanted to get married so they went to the court house and tied the knot.  Just the two of them, no friends or family in attendance.  Love calls to us like that from time to time.

After a few months, Tori decided that renewing their vows with friends and family was just what they needed as in the very near future they are moving to Texas.  Its hard being a military family, being uprooted every so often and moving across the country.  They wanted to share the celebration of their love and last Sunday morning, they exchanged vows again and for the first time, the whole family was blessed to be in attendance.

Love calls us in different ways and a wedding is a reflection of the love that two people share.  Sometimes the wedding is all about the the bride and groom, sometimes its about sharing the love with your family.  This day was truly special because it was about including the whole family in the love that Marty and Tori share.

Marty and Tori's wedding gallery is online here.     Congratulations and thank you for the sacrifices you have made in the service to our country.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/9/marty-tori Thu, 04 Sep 2014 01:34:25 GMT
Steve and Betty - Fifty Years https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/9/steve-and-betty---fifty-years Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



Fifty years....Steve and Betty have been married as long as I have been alive. When their daughter contacted us to take some family pictures while they were all gathered for the anniversary celebration, we jumped at the chance. Fifty years is a long time of anything, or so we thought.  At first glance, it was not apparent just who Steve and Betty were or if they had even arrived. They certainly didn't look old enough to have been married fifty years.



At second glance, it seemed they were always laughing and smiling and well....busy.



Their beautiful family, their happy spirits and the smiles on all of their faces were proof that this was something worth talking about.


As the moon rose and the sun set on our shoot that day, I did what I always like to do, I stopped them on the way off the beach. "Wait, I need to ask you one more thing. Tell me. Fifty years! How did you you do it? What's the secret?"


They both smiled, looked each other in the eye and then turned to me and said, "It is a lot of give and take, give and take, give and take;  but always....more giving than taking." and then there was one more important statement that they felt they had to make, "but always remember," Betty said with a gleam in her eye, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." And then they all walked away, just as happy as they were when they arrived.


Happy Fiftieth Anniversary, Betty and Steve! We wish for you many blessings!!

Find the entire gallery here!

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/9/steve-and-betty---fifty-years Wed, 03 Sep 2014 02:40:57 GMT
Jim and Penny https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/8/jim-and-penny Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



As photographers, it is always the highest compliment that we receive when someone we know (and love) trusts us with the blessing of capturing a special day for them. As photographers, it is also our special bliss to be able to do this for people who give us complete creative control over what we can create with the images we capture.


Jim and Penny are a love story in and of themselves. I have watched over the years that I have known them, individually and together, support, love and care for each other which I have witnessed time and time again. But Jim and Penny....support, love and care for many people and my family is no exception. They are never too busy, never too preoccupied to lend an ear,  gentle support and guidance to people who are struggling.


Their wedding was a reflection of their love of all people, of all beliefs, of all traditions. It was a beautiful day with beautiful people who were always smiling. The rain even held off until the last formal portrait was taken. It was a most relaxed, most joyful, most perfect embodiment of the joining together of two souls meant to be together.


When Jim and Penny asked us to photograph their special day, I jumped at the chance. I would never have missed that day for the world. When they shared with me some of their ideas of what they thought would be cool photographs, I became even more excited.

And then....worried....What if....you know....what if? In typical Jim and Penny style, they once again, reminded me that we had complete creative control and could do whatever we liked, and that we had all that we needed to create their perfect wedding album. It is our hope that in this album you will find two people who are in love with each other, two people in love with the earth and the Universe, and two people who have a most awesome sense of humor. We love you guys! Many blessings!

You can find all of Jim and Penny's wedding here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Affordable Wedding Photography Weddings https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/8/jim-and-penny Sun, 24 Aug 2014 00:41:43 GMT
Jenny & Terry https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/8/jenny-terry Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



Big fancy weddings are stressful.  There are so many details to worry about.  In the end, the only thing that really matters is her, him, and God.  Everything else is fluff.  When you boil down that big wedding to just the things that really matter, you usually have an elopement.

I got to spend part of the morning with Jenny and Terry as they promised to love each other.  They brought their love for each other and their four kids, only the things that are truly important, and this  elopement was no less special than the big weddings that we have photographed.  I only had a short time with them, but it was clear that they truly do love each other, it shows in the pictures. 

These are only a few of the shots I got today at Sunset Beach NC.  The entire gallery is here.

Congratulations Jenny and Terry.  May your journey together in the years to come be as sweet as the memories you made today.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/8/jenny-terry Sun, 17 Aug 2014 14:39:35 GMT
Castaway Paws https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/8/castaway-paws Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



It takes a special kind of person to give so selflessly helping those that cannot help themselves.  We visited with some of those people Sunday at Castaway Paws Rescue, a shelter for adoptable pets in Pawleys Island.  They were having an open house to promote adoption and thought enough of us to invite us out to take pet portraits.  

We were blessed to visit with both very young and very old dogs and even talked a few owners into sharing the spotlight with their four legged friends.

To make a community a wonderful place to live it takes people giving of themselves.  Everyone needs to give something back to the community that they live in and we were more than happy to donate our time to such  a wonderful cause.  Please check out Castaway Paws' website and take a look at the dogs they are currently caring for.  Just maybe there might be room in your heart and home for a new best friend. We personally know the joy of opening our hearts to a rescue animal and our family wouldn't be complete without our Lucy.  All of the photos from the open house can found here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/8/castaway-paws Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:29:12 GMT
Mary's 70th https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/7/marys-70th Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



She had twelve children; she has buried one. According to her children and loved ones who gathered on her birthday to tell stories and celebrate the day with her, she had lived a hard and "ragged" life. She laughed and cried last Saturday at her birthday party and when she had a quiet moment, I stole her away from her party. We wandered down a hall to find some good light to take her picture and I stopped her midway down. "Happy Birthday, Mrs. Brunson" I said quietly as the party erupted into another round of laughter. "I need to ask you something".

She smiled and said, "Anything".

"What is it? What is the thing, after all of these years, that you are the MOST proud of?"

She stopped for a moment and seemed to be giving the question serious consideration. "That's easy....I would have to say....(her eyes filling with tears now)....my children. You heard the speech? Where they said we lived "hard and ragged?"

"Yes ma'am, I did".

" I never noticed that part of it, I was looking at my babies."

Seventy years, twelve children and no matter where they have ended up and who they married or how many kids they had or how many tattoos, starched suits, perfectly styled hair or not; her babies are her pride.

Is it not so for any mother? Our children generally don't fully comprehend that sentiment until, of course, they have babies of their own. Yes dear babies, you are our most proud "thing"....Just in case you were wondering...

Her gallery is here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/7/marys-70th Thu, 24 Jul 2014 03:30:52 GMT
An outsiders view of Right Move Photography https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/7/an-outsiders-view-of-right-move-photography Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



Photography is an art.  The more we learn, the better we are at capturing the true personality of our clients.  Our education is ongoing.  We read blogs and tutorials, review other photographers work and combine it all in an adaptation of our style.

There is a podcast hosted by photographer in Oklahoma that we have been following for years.  His podcasts are for everyone with an interest in photography.  Some of his podcasts are designed for the novice who has just gotten their first DSLR while others are geared more for the pros.

We had the opportunity to visit with Jimmy of Phototips on the cruise that we took to the Bahamas.  He was kind enough to mention us on his most recent podcast.

In it he talks about relationships.  Over the course of a shoot, we get to know our clients, its just who we are.  We like to think that our clients are not just a one time session, but will become lifelong friends.

If you have an interest in learning about photography, check out the other 190 podcasts and interesting tidbits from the photography world at: http://www.phototips.biz/

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/7/an-outsiders-view-of-right-move-photography Wed, 16 Jul 2014 00:59:26 GMT
Kryst https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/7/kryst Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



Every picture tells a story if you listen long enough, if you explore the details.

We met Kryst on our photography cruise. We were blessed to have him along as a male model to work with. Kryst will be graduating next year.  We were enthralled by his presence from the beginning and the more we learned about him during the cruise, the more we were impressed by him.

Everyone has a style of their own, whether they copy it from someone else or they just grow into their own skin. It was apparent that Kryst had his own style and his own ideas about things. He was a joy to be around. He was funny, he was opinionated (as are most teenagers) and he was nice and mannerly to the wait staff both on shore and on the ship.

You would never know the depth of what lies behind his rose colored glasses unless you stop for a moment to listen. Kryst has suffered loss that most his age have never experienced and I dare say, even our age have experienced. Last year, he lost his home to a violent tornado in Oklahoma. His family rose above and he rose with them. He rebuilt his life.

His strong religious convictions, his sense of purpose in this world and his resilient spirit were lessons to all of us who were blessed to hear his story, to capture these moments for him, to call him friend.


His entire gallery can be seen here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Senior Photos https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/7/kryst Wed, 09 Jul 2014 03:25:28 GMT
The Brown Family https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/6/the-brown-family Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos


We were so excited to visit with the Brown's as they celebrated not only a family reunion but also a 50th wedding anniversary. That is such a HUGE milestone and the whole family was so excited.



We especially love getting to take pictures of the kids, doing what kids do.  From shoot to shoot, you never know what the kids will come up with to entertain the parents and the camera.

These are only a few of the shots we got with the Brown's.  You can find the entire gallery here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/6/the-brown-family Sun, 22 Jun 2014 18:21:33 GMT
Victoria https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/6/victoria Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



We took some time off to watch our kids graduate and get some work done around our house.  Now we are back to work and want to share some of what we have been doing lately. 































We went to Phoenix AZ for a senior portrait session.  We have always wanted to photograph a super-model before she was discovered and it was well worth the trip to Phoenix to do just that. 



























































Victoria is a wonderful young woman and has her career all planned out after high school.  These are just a few pictures from the shoot.  You can view all of the shots here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) Senior Photos https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/6/victoria Sun, 15 Jun 2014 08:16:37 GMT
Behind the Scenes at a Right Move photo session https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/4/behind-the-scenes-at-a-right-move-photo-session Myrtle Beach Wedding and Family Photos



We wanted to start blogging and this being our first blog, we wanted to take you behind the scenes of our photo shoot last weekend with the Moore Family.

The  oldest son is into basketball and he was asked to bring a ball.  We hoped he would also bring a jersey but alas we only got what we asked for.  We are on-location photographers and there really is very little that is done in a studio that we can’t do outdoors or in a living room.  For this shot we asked mom and dad to hold a back drop and solicited the two youngest siblings to be our photography assistants and hold the flashes. 

With a little editing, here is the final result.

Enjoying the experience of a photo shoot is our goal.   It is supposed to be a fun time, full of laughter and love.  It is not beneath us to do something silly to break the ice.  People get nervous in front of a camera and putting everyone at ease early on is important.

With family shoots, we want to promote togetherness, lots of hugs and various ways of showing the love the family has for each other.

We do more than the traditional shots and have learned that various camera angles make for some interesting  pictures and sometimes you just have to roll in the sand to get the right shot.

To wrap up this brief behind the scenes look at a Right Move photo shoot you are invited to see all of the shots of the Moore Family here.

[email protected] (Right Move Photography) https://www.rightmovephoto.com/blog/2014/4/behind-the-scenes-at-a-right-move-photo-session Fri, 18 Apr 2014 02:43:37 GMT